Saturday, December 28, 2019

Accuracy Of The And How Fast A Person Can Complete A...

Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff in Mathematics Unjanee’ Wright Wright State University Psychology 3020L-05 TA: Joseph Glavan The purpose of this study is to determine how accurate, and how fast a person can complete a certain amount of math problems within only a few mins; then, determine how this relates to stress. It is important to see how much mathematics a student knows, and how the pressure affects them. Doing this study could decrease students’ anxiety levels when it comes to taking a mathematics test in a timely manner. Stress is defined as your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand, or the feelings we have when under pressure. Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff is defined as taking your time and only making a few errors, or responding quickly and making more errors. In the manuscript, I will be discussing why I am conducting this study. I will discuss previous studies that has already been done, and how my current study relates to the previous studies. I will be discussing the methods and procedures used for my study, and the results after conducting my study. I will also provide a discussion of my study as well as the implications. Literature Review Ashcraft and Krause (2007) examined if math anxiety has something to do with a decline in math performance. The researchers collected scores from eighty undergraduates on a math-anxiety test, and a standard math achievement test. The two tests were compared, but the standard math achievement test was rescored by aShow MoreRelatedUnit Examination on Math Essay1366 Words   |  6 PagesComplete certainty, what exactly does that mean? It seems to imply that we are able to know something without doubtfulness. In fact, it seems to be saying that it is a justified true belief. But what makes a complete certainty complete and certain. To understand this we must first understand and grasp what the two areas of knowledge of mathematics and the natural sciences say they accomplish this goal. 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Also refraining on using most signed gestures, as they can vary in meaningRead MoreHuman Resources Management Plan and Job Aids2942 Words   |  12 Pagespersonal/ workplace problems, thereby boosting their morale and motivation levels and helping such employees to raise their productivity and efficiency levels. Such assistance plan also helps in reducing employee turnover and absenteeism and secures the loyalty of the employees toward s the organization. All these factors, in turn, help the organization in building a healthy, well motivated and loyal workforce which is key strategic goal for any business entity. The accounting firm can strategically useRead MoreAn Essay About Freelance Writing5834 Words   |  24 PagesIF a teacher has ever told you that you had a talent for writing†¦ you should probably already be doing this job. Freelance writing is where you write someone else’s content for them, often for no credit. But you do get paid. 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Furthermore, it was 1969 and there were few text books telling me how I should go about the task. I soon learned that with a tongue in my head I could easily ask and keep asking and eventually I would find the answers. I found out that dock bay seals are foam rubber surrounds that fit around loading bays so that trucks can reverse against them and make a seal to stop warm air getting into cold stores. This led me to cold store operators and soon

Friday, December 20, 2019

Forensic Pathology, Toxicology, And Biology - 1077 Words

Forensic science consists of a variety of fields such as in this case Forensic Pathology, Toxicology, and Biology were used to help solve the murder. Forensic Pathology was used to determine the cause of death by conducting an autopsy on the Johnson body. Coming to a conclusion, that Denise Johnson’s cause of death was due to asphyxiation (also known as strangulation)2,9. The pathology unit also determined that her death was a forced and violent death. Given the facts of how the victim died it provides the officers with an idea on how the murder was committed. Secondly Forensic toxicology is the use of toxicology, pharmacology, clinical chemistry and analytical chemistry to help legal and medical investigation of poisoning, death, and drug use. A drug test was conducted on Johnson’s body in order to evaluate the type and amount of illegal or legal drugs that were taken. A drug test can normally detect all prescription drugs, and as well as alcohol and illegal drugs suc h as, cocaine, heroin, morphine, codeine, antidepressants and phencyclidine. According to Johnson’s toxicology reports, the only drug found in her body was heroine9. Lastly to have a better understanding of the case, it was important to know what had happened to Denise. Therefore the forensic biology unit conducted a rap kit to determine if Johnson was sexually assaulted. The forensic biology division is responsible for applying their biology knowledge to the law enforcement, which also includes forensicShow MoreRelatedTechnology And Science By Law Enforcement1653 Words   |  7 PagesThe National Institute of Justice defines forensic science as, â€Å"the application of science, such as physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, and engineering to matters of law,† (2014). The emphasis here is the use of technology and science by law enforcement officers and agencies and is accepted and recognized by the criminal justice system. It is seen as scientific technology or Criminalistics, (Dempsey Forst, 2013). While technology plays a role in this, it is most recognized by the useRead MoreEssay on Forensic Science1603 Words   |  7 Pages Forensic Science, also known as Forensics, is the application of science to law. It uses highly developed technology to uncover scientific evidence in a variety of fields. Modern forensic science has a broad range of applications. It is used in civil cases such as forgeries, fraud or negligence. The most common use of forensic science is to investigate criminal cases involving a victim, such as assault, robbery, kidnapping , rape, or murder.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Forensic science is also used in monitoringRead MoreForensic Pathology1288 Words   |  6 PagesForensic Pathology Have you ever just wanted to come home from a long days at work and kick off your shoes and grab some food and pig out in front of the television? You began to flick through all the channels and can’t find what you are looking for so you come to CSI Miami and this had caught your attention and now you’re toned in and intrigued of what they are doing. You find yourself yelling at the T.V. saying â€Å"how they do that?† â€Å"What is that?† â€Å"Why are they doing that?† and â€Å"how did theyRead MoreForensic Scientists And Innovative Technology Impacting The World1621 Words   |  7 Pagescut beneath the throat. An officer asks â€Å"Do you think it is right to assume he committed suicide?† A forensic scientist would say no, they can perform examinations to reasonably prove this suicide was staged with the evidence available and uncover more like a puzzle. Crime and mysteries are reoccurring with more novelty, and because of this, fore nsic science must adapt and evolve with its forensic scientists and innovative technology impacting the world. (â€Å"Latest Crime Statistics Released†) PracticesRead MoreForensic Science Technician: I would like to be a Forensic Science Technician, simply because I1600 Words   |  7 PagesForensic Science Technician: I would like to be a Forensic Science Technician, simply because I find this kind of stuff interesting. A Forensic Science Technician does many things. Four things they do are run ballistics tests on guns to find the one used in a bank robbery; collect evidence from a crime scene to help understand the chain of events; match DNA samples to reunite a long lost child to his/her family; and solve a crime by matching fingerprints at the crime scene to a suspect. One of theRead MoreForensic Science : A Forensic Scientist1648 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Topic: Forensic Science In general, a forensic scientist’s job provides an objective, scientific analysis to discover the truth and use that truth in legal proceedings. Forensic scientists take items of evidence collected from crime scenes and determine their relevance to the case by examining and analyzing the evidence. There are various types of forensic scientists that specialize in specific examinations and analysis of different types of evidence. Eventually forensic scientists willRead More Forensic Science and its Growing Popularity Essay2767 Words   |  12 PagesForensic Science and its Growing Popularity People all around the world are becoming interested in forensic science. Students across the nation are taking courses in this very popular science. Many colleges are adopting classes and majors just for it. Why has this science become so popular? Is it because of the lack of people in the field now, and the overwhelming job opportunities that come with a degree in forensic science? Is it because the field is so interesting, and catchy that everyoneRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System1597 Words   |  7 Pagesunder Part I offenses. (White, 2015) This idea of data recording was a huge step in the process of record keeping in the field. In the 20th century, there is a peak in the improvement of technology, for example: Serology, Forensic Dentistry, Ballistics, Pathology/Biology, Toxicology, and Criminalistics (Schoeberl, 2015). Everyday new technology and new ways of committing crimes will always change, and because of the changes our officers have to be educated enough to stop and prevent those crimes. The

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Business Project Management Long Term Scholarship

Question: Describe about the Business Project Management for Long Term Scholarship. Answer: Background of the project The project is prepared to help the organization to maintain a long term sustainability in the business field. AEGON was founded in the year 1998 and the company provides direct insurance for the administrative services from policy servicing, fulfillment, billing with retention of the customer and managing the claims of the customer (, 2016). The company needs to change the information system of the business for efficiently manage the customer records and analyze the behavior of the customers to provide them the best recommendation of products. Need for change within a firm or organization For AEGON Australia the factors that affects the organization to change its business are as follows: Restructure of the financial condition in Australia Population growth and demographic attribute change Diversification of the cultural background Social dimension change Political factors Domestic purchase increase (Kerzner, 2013) Negligence of the policies of financial products Increase in competition Inefficiency in the current process Measurable objectives Business goal and objectives Description To report accurately and on time Deployment of web based tools would help to report at a real time and increase the accuracy of the report (Taneja, Sewell Odom, 2015) To improve the efficiency of the staffs It can be increased with the employment of less HR and payroll employees To reduce the turnover of the employees The flexibility of the company would address the concerns of the employees and the manager would be able to look at the billable task (Cummings Worley, 2014) To reduce the overhead cost of the company The overhead cost of the company can be reduced with decreasing the number of staffs Current situation There is a need to migrate the current technology of the organization from the present platform to improve the business process and efficiently manage the business operations. The current system is dependent on a mainframe system that manages the payroll of the employees and the other administrative functions of the company (Schwalbe, 2015). With the increase in the number of employees and client the system is unable to manage the day to operations. Thus the company is getting negligible return from the investment and there is no option to improve the current situation using the current information system (Mohapatra, 2013). Thus the company needs to migrate the framework and improve the working of the organization. Problem/ Opportunity Statement The current system is not able to prepare report and analyze the behavior of the client and thus it needs an up gradation. From the present system, the reports can be prepared manually, thus increases the possibility of errors, and increases the time required for the preparation of the report (Pryke Smyth, 2012). There is an opportunity to automate the current system and reduce the time consumption and thus increase the free time of the managers and they can proceed with management of the employees. Project Assumption It can be assumed that no problem would be faced during the migration of the technology. With the advancement of the planning of project more assumption is required to be made and they are added later. The following assumption are made The employees would be provided training regarding the usage of the new information system The project would be completed within the proposed budget (Verzuh, 2015) The budget would be enough for purchasing new hardware for the implementation of the web-based platform The project would be completed on time and have support from all level of managers Project Constraints For the progress of the development of the project the project manager is responsible to assume some constraints that may arise during the deployment of the project and they are as follows: Limitation in the skills of the development team Limitation of the IT resources required for the development of the project Lack of support from the developers after the development of the new system Analysis of the options There are different options available and it should be analyzed for the successful implementation of the project. Status Reason for not selecting the option Keeping the mainframe system during the migration Increase in the unnecessary expense due to increase in the staffs (Christensen, 2013) Continuation of the increased number of error data Poor reporting produced untimely Limitation in automation Outsourcing the web based implementation Increase in the cost Non utilization of the in house experts Not understanding the internal requirement of the organization (Ulaga Loveland, 2014) Development of the software internally Lack of skilled employees Increased cost associated with the designing of the software Takes more time to complete the project Recommendation After the analysis of the various available options and analyzing the current business process of the organization it is recommended that, the development should be done with the involvement of some consulting company. It would be the best process for migrating the technology and implement new information system that can efficiently manage the current business operation and meet the future needs. The newly developed web based platform should be compatible with the current system such that no organizational data is lossed during the migration. Customization of the system- The employees must be able to read the organizational resources residing the system from any remote location. Generation of the report- The payroll and the bills must be auto generated which would reduce the human errors and decrease the involvement of the staffs Increasing the efficiency- the developed web based platform must be responsive and generate real time data and the suggest options to the user for increasing the usability and efficiency of the system Increasing reliability- No data must be lossed during the operation, the data should be available to the user all the time, and thus it increases the reliability of the system Preliminary project requirement The preliminary requirement of the project for the successful migration of the technology is as follows: Availability of the developer for the development of the project Availability of proper funding for the progress of the project Arrangement of the resources required for the development Budget Estimate Action Description Cost Feasibility study Initial investment $10,000.00 Requirement analysis Initial investment $20,000.00 Development of the system Cos of IT group for engaging staffs and develop the project $8,0000.00 Testing of the system Cos of IT group for engaging staffs and test the system $25,000.00 Purchasing license of the web based product Initial investment $10,00000.00 Installation of software Cost of the organization to install new software for proper working of the development system $40,000.00 Hardware cost Cost of the organization to upgrade the hardware for proper working of the development system $1,00000 Training cost Initial investment of the organization $ 10,000 Total cost for the deployment of the new system $1,285,000.00 Financial Analysis The financial analysis is done for the AEGON involving the clients and the chief executive officers for generating an approach focusing on the customer. The CEO needs to simplify the complex financial service of the organization such that the account manager can easily understand the requirement (Menke, 2013). The managers must be informed about the expense and the investment cost associated with the development of the project. The managers is also responsible to calculate the return of investment and the yield they can get from the project. The client information must be shared in the system with limited privilege such that the finance can be calculated form thee system. Schedule estimate Milestone and Deliverable Completion Date Development of the project charter 01/01/2017 Development of the project plan 08/01/2017 Review of the plan and completion 29/01/2017 Kickoff of the project 30/01/2017 Completion of Phase 1 27/02/2017 Completion of Phase 2 22/03/2017 Completion of Phase 3 26/04/2017 Project sign off 27/04/2017 Potential risks There are different risks associated with the migration of the project and they are as follows: Inefficient skill and experience of the technician associated with the development of the project- Sufficient in-depth knowledge is required for the successful migration of the system and the latest technology is required to be implemented (Andersen Kunkel, 2013). The development team should have sufficient knowledge regarding the latest technology and the cultural diversity must be kept out during the development of the project. Lack of realistic and clear road map for the migration of the technology- There are many uncertainties that may arise during the change in the organizational data ad there is a requirement to prepare accurate timeline for the development of the project. The project must be aligned with the organizational goals and objectives and not aligning can cause the business to fail. Loss of data during migration- The more time required for the migration increase the risk of data loss. There are security concern regarding the data which can cause a loss in the faith of the customer (Christensen, 2013). Disruption in the business- The developed system must be available to the client and the organizational staffs all the time because the downtime of the system can have a negative impact on the business. References Andersen, A. B., Kunkel, C. (2013). The Asset Managers Guide to Sustainable Regulatory Advantage. InGlobal Asset Management(pp. 308-341). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Australia. (2016). Aegon. Retrieved 20 December 2016, from Christensen, C. (2013).The innovator's dilemma: when new technologies cause great firms to fail. Harvard Business Review Press. Cummings, T. G., Worley, C. G. (2014).Organization development and change. Cengage learning. Kerzner, H. R. (2013).Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Menke, M. M. (2013). Making RD portfolio management more effective.Research-Technology Management,56(5), 34-44. Mohapatra, S. (2013). Case Study: AEGON Religare. InBusiness Process Reengineering(pp. 239-247). Springer US. Pryke, S., Smyth, H. (2012).The management of complex projects: A relationship approach. John Wiley Sons. Schwalbe, K. (2015).Information technology project management. Cengage Learning. Taneja, S., Sewell, S. S., Odom, R. Y. (2015). A culture of employee engagement: a strategic perspective for global managers.Journal of Business Strategy,36(3), 46-56. Ulaga, W., Loveland, J. M. (2014). Transitioning from product to service-led growth in manufacturing firms: Emergent challenges in selecting and managing the industrial sales force.Industrial Marketing Management,43(1), 113-125. Verzuh, E. (2015).The fast forward MBA in project management. John Wiley Sons.